How Do Microservices and APIs Differ From One Another

HashStudioz Technologies
6 min readSep 21, 2022


Microservices and APIs often get mixed up and confused with one another, with the implication being that a microservice is an API. This isn’t the case at all, and the difference between these two technologies is important to know.

In this blog post, we’ll go over what makes a microservice different from an API so you can make informed decisions about whether or not a particular service would be useful to your project. We will also explore how they differ in their architecture, how they serve their users, how they handle data storage and retrieval, and why it’s important to at least understand what separates them before buying into any particular solution. Let’s Dive In!

What Is a Microservice?

A microservice isn’t too different from what you might be used to in regards to how web services are traditionally created. It’s a small-scale version of a full-scale software application that was designed in such a way that it can be developed independently of the other pieces of the project. Each piece is responsible for handling one or more concerns, which are usually related to an application function or an area of concern (security, data management, etc.). This allows for these pieces to be updated and deployed without requiring other services or functionality within the project to be changed as well. Microservices are also designed in such a way that they can be scaled up independently of the other pieces. If a particular service is sluggish and it’s determined that one or more servers should be added to help increase its performance, then this can be done without causing any other services to require changes. This is because each service is independent and can be handled separately from the others in the project.

Furthermore, microservices are usually written in an open-source language like Java, Ruby, or Python (to name a few), which means that there’s not much proprietary information to protect. It also means that more people can contribute to the project, making it easier for other people to accept the change and make their contributions. It also helps to have multiple teams working on a project so that all of the pieces aren’t dependent on one another in a way that might cause it to fail.

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The other interesting thing about microservices is that each service is itself. This means that there’s no need for an API server or middleware layer that becomes the glue between these services. This makes for a much cleaner, more focused architecture where each service does one thing and only does one thing.

What Are APIs?

The term “API” is used for an application programming interface. An API allows one software system to talk to another, and it is a collection of routines that enable different systems to interact with one another. For example, a website can use an API from Facebook to post information on its profile. That data will then be sent back down the chain to your website, and you can use that information in your application. APIs are usually built using RESTful principles, meaning you should use HTTP verbs like “GET” or “POST” when making requests.

There are significant distinctions between microservices and APIs.

Microservices and APIs are different in that they are both used to facilitate communication between software systems, but they operate on two different levels.

First, while an API acts as a communication interface, microservices act as a piece of the puzzle. APIs have been around for decades, and you see them everywhere in the enterprise application space. In contrast, microservices are still new and have not been widely adopted yet.

Second, APIs are used to maintain consistency regardless of who is deploying them or how many times they’re deployed. On the other hand, microservices focus on the goal of building pieces of reusable code that can simply be plugged into other applications to offer a piece of functionality that exists outside the main application itself. With so much to consider, let’s look at how you might implement each of these into your platform development process.

An API is a set of communication functions that can be used by clients to obtain and return data in a standardized format. Using an API, an application doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel when interacting with messaging servers or other applications. Instead, it can use an architecture that uses an external service as a wrapper around its system functions so that those functions can be reused in the future.

Microservices are modular building blocks of reusable application code that are used to build applications; they are generally independent of the larger application architecture. Microservices aren’t tied to specific programming languages or design patterns. The main purpose is to create modular solutions that are highly available, better scaled, and maintainable than monolithic solutions. The break-up of monolithic applications is referred to as microservices-oriented architecture (MSA).

MSA consists of microservices, which are small units that can be built and deployed independently, but they’re still part of the same platform. The benefit here is that if you want to update a function or business application, you don’t have to take down all the others in the process — you can plug in a new service without disrupting your existing applications. Overall, MSA is great for systems that need to be divided into smaller components or workflows due to the complexity and/or demands on high availability and scalability.

Microservices are ideal for building business-oriented applications, but your company may not have the resources or expertise to build a microservices-based architecture from scratch. That’s where API management comes in. API management makes it easy to integrate with existing microservices and APIs, which is great for companies that want the benefits of an MSA without rewriting their entire application from scratch. API management will allow you to develop and deploy APIs effortlessly.

APIs aren’t limited by design; they can be deployed without changing anything about the basic design of a system. Microservices, on the other hand, typically require the development of a new application layer that’s built from the ground up. However, many companies choose to use a combination of both APIs and microservices to create a more complex architecture.

An API offers users an interface that they can use to access functions built into an application. The main purpose of an API is to keep applications consistent in response time and quality regardless of who’s developing them and how many times they’re deployed. APIs are designed specifically for clients, rather than being part of the core architecture.

Microservices are modular building blocks of reusable application code that are used to build applications; they are generally independent of the larger application architecture.


We hope that after reading this post, you have a better understanding of what microservices are and some of the differences between them and APIs. If there’s anything else you’re wondering about, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments!

The main difference is that microservices are a specific technology used to build software applications. They help teams break up complicated software systems by developing them “monolithically” or as individual parts. APIs serve as an interface for computer programs to communicate with each other over a network. They provide the connection point for programmers to integrate their projects into separate applications (like Google Maps). It can be really helpful if you need something like custom data analysis or image recognition available only through machine learning. The result is that APIs can facilitate the connection between smaller applications and services, while microservices run within an app. They just offer a different approach to getting there.

Hashstudioz offers customers the ability to integrate API Integration or microservices for their portal from various sources. Our team of experts can help you to get started with the same with ease. If you need help or more information on API or microservice you can contact us.



HashStudioz Technologies

HashStudioz is a leading product development company focussed on IoT, cloud, blockchain and Travel-based Solutions.