Top Features of Maintenance Management Software and Why You Need One

HashStudioz Technologies
5 min readSep 16, 2022


Before we get started with the features of maintenance management software and why you need one, let us get started with what maintenance management software is.

What Is Maintenance Management Software?

Maintenance management software helps companies manage their maintenance activities to keep their assets and equipment functioning at their maximum level for the lowest cost.

The features of this type of software include work orders, preventive maintenance schedules, parts inventory, preventive maintenance procedures, and specifications.

The top features of maintenance management software are:

1. Work Order Tracking System

The work order system in the software acts as a central hub for all the issues that the maintenance department is working on. With this feature, the maintenance team can efficiently track the progress of the work orders they are responsible for while they are working on an assignment. The features of this type of software include viewing history, due date, and status. Restarting the work order is also possible if any problem or obstacle comes in, making it easier to get back to where you left off with minimal manual effort. The software also includes the ability to create new work orders, change the status of a work order, change the responsible party, add users and supervisors to a work order, and print and export data.

Work or issues can be centred around assets or parts, something that is crucial for improving efficiency. With this feature, there is no room for confusion as to which items are being worked on or what areas are being covered. The software provides facilities for staff scheduling by logging in the arrival and departure times of employees who will be working on a particular item.

2. Preventive Maintenance Tracking System

The main function of this type of software is to ensure that all the areas and assets are covered when it comes to preventive maintenance. The system helps in creating schedules for various projects and tracking advanced automated reports. These kinds of functions make it easier for users to be up to date with their activities, increasing efficiency, and effectiveness on every level. Regular updates will eliminate problems as soon as they occur, ultimately saving a substantial amount of money. This type of software can also record various data such as repairs and replacements, which are necessary for viewing asset performance through time.

3. Handwriting Recognition/Smart Barcode

Handwriting recognition and/or smart barcodes that are used within the software allow employees to enter data faster and more efficiently. Users have to simply click on the barcode or handwriting and the information is instantly entered into the work order, making it easy to identify the work needed and what work has been completed. This type of software also includes the ability to scan an issue for data input.

4. Out of Business Order Tracking System

This type of software allows employees to track their activities based on various factors like geographic location, job, or equipment so that the data inputted is accurate and efficient. The system helps to keep the maintenance on track according to the abilities and resources of the maintenance department. It also helps to pinpoint any over-or under-utilized equipment due to maintenance personnel being absent or unavailable.

5. System for Work Order Approval and Provisioning

This type of software helps to eliminate the time it takes to get estimates and get work orders approved. Engineers can input their estimates into the system, which is then compared to the actual amount required and added to the work order. The software also helps to take pictures of the project to be done and send them to the company’s facilities engineer. The process of approving the work orders is made easier as it is possible to attach required documents like maintenance manuals to each work order, making the approval process more efficient.

6. Maintenance Wizard

The maintenance wizard feature in software delivers the capability for its users to create their own worksheets and templates for future use. The software can also customize work orders, templates, etc. An unlimited number of columns can be added to the front end of the software, which is valuable for adding more information to a work order or worksheet.

7. Data Collection and Quality Control Report

Maintenance management software helps make it easier to collect information and improve data quality during the maintenance process. In case more information is needed to be collected, users can create customized reports based on their work orders and specific needs and add forms to the front end of the software.

8. Dynamic Viewing Mode

This feature provides easy and dynamic orders for users to see the status of all work orders on the front end of their device. Some functions include filtering, displaying, and searching the work orders.

9. Work Order Template Maker

This type of software helps to avoid manually creating worksheets by allowing users to create templates for specific work which can be reused in future projects.

These are the top features of maintenance management software. Now, let us get started with and understand why you need maintenance management software.

Why do you need maintenance management software?

You need maintenance management software for several reasons, and the foremost reasons are:

1) It will save you time

2) It will save you money

3) You will get more out of your assets

4) You will be ready for change

Maintenance management software can help with these things and more, allowing a company to avoid the hidden costs of asset deterioration and downtime, control compliance risks, stay on top of regulatory changes which affect their operation, or even see trends in equipment usage. Maintenance management software is used in the form of a “management system” or “engine” that includes the required applications, databases, and other components to provide a complete system for managing maintenance and engineering workflows.

If an asset is damaged, lost, or stolen, it can lead to higher costs over time.

Maintenance management software can be used as a “system of record”. This means that any data recorded by users will become part of the company’s company records, which helps with complying with legislation. Using this type of software also provides companies with a more efficient solution when dealing with reports and audits because they are more easily able to find the information they require.

One other key benefit of using proper maintenance management software is the ability to track and trace asset items. If a company has multiple sites or even multiple warehouses, this is an effective way to keep track of all the different assets in its possession. This allows for easier maintenance scheduling and also allows for quick access to the correct equipment when needed.

Wrapping up,

Maintenance management software helps with the scheduling of maintenance tasks either automatically or manually and will often send out notifications when it is time for a task to be performed. This can both be used to streamline workflows within a company and also help them stay organized while ensuring they are complying with any necessary regulations regarding preventative maintenance.

If you are looking for the best maintenance management software then HashStudioz technologies has the right solution for you.



HashStudioz Technologies

HashStudioz is a leading product development company focussed on IoT, cloud, blockchain and Travel-based Solutions.